
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Recent Visit to Bali of Pencils for Kids, Inc.

Education, in whatever country or continent, is deemed very important for a bright future. It is luck for those whose parents can afford to send them to school and provide for more than what they need. However, how about those who do not have enough? What about those who cannot go to school because their parents cannot afford to buy them notebooks, pencils and paper? What happens to them?

The Pencils for Kids, Inc., is an organization based in Los Angeles that aims to help school children of developing countries have access to these materials and thus go to school in order to build their future. Along with organizations and corporate sponsors who believe in the cause, it helps transform a child one at a time.

For the past five years, Retta Jitner and some volunteers from America come to Bali every July to distribute uniforms and backpacks that are filled with school materials. Bill Vogel, Executive Advisor Board of Pencils for Kids, was able to join Jitner last July 1 to the island.

On their stay in the island, they were accommodated in one of the Bali villa rentals which is The Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa. The following day, there were about 30 volunteers, coming from the hotel and from around the island, who helped stuff the backpacks with supplies from the US. The distribution was not limited to the children in the cities and major thoroughfares of the island. They took dirt trails and paved roads to the villages, crossed lakes and mountains, and even came around beaches.

And when the children were reached by the group, they offered the visitors special dances and songs, as well as greetings. There were also the teachers who were as happy as the kids for the privilege and the parents greeted the volunteers as the volunteers passed.

Though the villas in Bali may prove to be among the most beautiful and luxurious in the world, there are small children in far-flung areas that are waiting for help and opportunities. May this story touch the hearts of many and want to come and help the children of Bali instead of just coming for a vacation in one of the Bali villa rentals.

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