
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Waves of Surfer Art

A Sydney native does not only find Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort the only nice things about Bali. He too has been charmed by the great waves of Bali that are perfect for the surfing lovers.

Clayton Barr, who finished Graphic Design in Sydney and had a corporate job at an advertising agency, always found himself thinking about Bali’s waves and charm. This made him want to go back to the island of the gods with so many luxurious private villas in Bali and asked Quicksilver Australia to assign him to its Bali office.

When he got to Bali, he only had a one-way ticket and no reassurance or promise from the company of a good life there. But lucky as he is, he got a job at a surf-wear company as its illustrator. This made him very happy as he could make his love for the art a means for his living.

‘‘There are lots of creative elements in surfing from the design and craftsmanship in surfboards, the board shorts and T-shirts. It’s a creative hub and a cool place to hang,” he said.

Today, his masterpiece has gone viral worldwide. The Summer the Surfer Girl was created in 1998 when an all-girls surf shop opened in Bali, courtesy of his friend and mentor, Steve Palmer.

Today, he is having his own exhibit entitled “Mysterioso” wherein he bases his artworks on his observations of life. He also likens art to surfing saying that it is a channel by which we can observe life. For him, surfing is a “time-out” zone that gives him the chance to detach himself from everyday life and evaluate life objectively.

‘‘There are always so many things happening in everyday street scenes, especially in Indonesia. Even if you do nothing, the energy inside you is always moving with the sights, sounds, characters and color,” he said.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Australians are helping Indonesians improve medical services

There is a need for Bali as a top tourist destination to always have updated medical facilities and hospital in general aside from having just Bali luxury villas and private villas in Bali. This is because tourists may just suddenly need some medical attention and the time saved from not having to go to farther hospitals may spell another life saved.

Thanks to Australia, which has been helping Bali since the terrorist attack in Bali wherein about 88 Australians were among the 200 fatalities, Bali today has improved medical services.

During the said terrorist bombing, Bali’s Sanglah Hospital served as the treatment center of about hundreds of injured people. However, 62 Australians had to be flown to the Royal Darwin Hospital as they needed emergency treatment. It may be noted that the Bali’s Sanglah Hospital had been receiving training from medical professionals shortly before the bombings.

And with the 10th anniversary of the Bali bombing, Dr. Len Notaras, The head of Darwin's National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre, is visiting again the said hospital to have talks on additional trainings. With this training, an estimated 65,000 Australians are being treated every year at Bali’s Sanglah Hospital.

“For Australians travelling abroad, if there is an incident or an episode occurs while someone is away we can actually become involved much more quickly because we know the individuals up there,” said Dr. Notaras.

This move is especially useful since there is a need for the island to balance its beautiful Bali villas resort with updated hospitals and centers for treatment. With this, more tourists from everywhere in the world will be complacent whenever they will visit Bali.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Sweet Smell of Success

They say that when thinking of a business to engage in, it should be something that really interests you. Moreover, you should do it while you are relaxing and the mind is clear. This is perhaps the idea that prompted Naomi and Paul Whitfeld when they put up their iKOU brand.

They were both soaked in a petal-filled bathtub in one of the Bali luxury villas in Ubud when they both decided to make their life in Australia infused with relaxation and rest.

''It's funny, some of our best ideas are actually hatched in a bathtub because when you're relaxed, you can just think,” said Naomi.

iKOU began five years ago as a brand for natural body, skincare, and homecare.

However, even as their products are for rest and relaxation, they cannot seem to anymore relax during much of the time now as their business has expanded and is attracting quite a number of corporate and retail customers proposing to them for their products.

The conceptualization of their brand did not happen overnight. In fact, it took them about 6 months to have their ingredients. They focused on natural ingredients like sandalwood and lemongrass.

Their very first “factory” was their own garage where Paul learned the art of making candles. On the other hand, it was in the kitchen where Naomi concocted her bath salts and other skincare regimen. They decided to create a website to promote and market their products. It was Paul who made it as he is a graphic designer and photographer. And in 2008, they launched their brand in a trade fair in Sydney.

Their efforts had paid off since the Australian Geographic ordered from them and wanted them to deliver in a week 1.5 tonnes of bath salt, 2000 candles and 2000 massage oils.

And if you are in Bali, you can also experience how it feels to pamper yourself by availing of the spa services of any of the Bali luxury villas, Bali villas resort, and private villas in Bali.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Janet De Neefe attracted by Bali's beauty

Over the years, it has been known that Bali has attracted quite a number of tourists, both foreign and local, and even Hollywood stars and artists as well. This time, Bali has seduced yet another interesting personality in the person of Janet De Neefe.

Aside from being attracted to the Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort, Janet De Neefe is also attracted to the general beauty of Bali. She owns Casa Luna, Indus and Bar Luna and has also co-founded the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. A Melbourne-born artist, she has seen Bali’s true beauty.

In her stay of over 30 years on the island, De Neefe can say that a lot have already changed in Bali especially its technology. Also, she sees that roads have become a priority and have, as a result, improved. Asked what she sees are the negative impacts of tourism on Bali, De Neefe says that it would have to be infrastructure as there are so many narrow roads and the cars are growing in number. This is also to add to the already great number of tourists.

However, she also sees that the positive impacts of it on the people are raising their standard of living.

This year, particularly on October 12, will be the 10th anniversary of the Bali bombings. When asked what she would do to commemorate the event, she said she will not be doing much as that was a bad thing to have happened and should not be celebrated only remembered.

Perhaps, the most important thing she said as to what makes her want to keep her romance with the island of Bali, she says that it is warm and kind people family values, sense of community, food, landscape, and the arts to say the least.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sculpture exports on the rise

Bali has been known as a top tourist destination in the world especially with its Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort. It also has private villas in Bali that provide the most luxurious and reasonably priced accommodations. However, more than these, Bali is also a great source of sculpture artworks.

Only during the period of January to July 2012, a 31.03 percent increase had been experienced by Bali in the value of their sculpture exports. Compared to only US$36.49 million worth of sculpture exports during the same period last year, a whopping US$47.82 million was reached this year. 

It has been known from I Ketut Teneng, spokesperson for the Bali provincial government, that among the 17 handicrafts in Bali, it is the wooden souvenirs and sculptures which are considered a dominant commodity in the island.

"Commodities in these two categories accounted for 16.89 percent of the total value of Bali's exports, worth US$283.11 million,” he said.

These products are exported to the United States, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, as well as China.

“Those commodities occupy 16.89 percent of the total value of Bali's exports worth of US$283.11,” said I Ketut Teneng.

The artists and craftsmen of Bali have been inspired to make their products of better quality because of the positive response that the international market has given them. 

Ketut also added that fluctuations in the figures of the sculpture exports were due to the financial crisis being experienced by the world over. 

This is good news for all Balinese as this sculpture exports will definitely add to their being a tourist destination apart from having beautiful Bali luxury villas. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The 4th International Bali Meditators Festival

Carrying the theme, "One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind: Towards Global Peace and Interfaith Harmony through Meditation”, the Fourth International Bali Meditators Festival will be held very soon in Ubud Bali. This will happen on September 20-23, 2012.

Many individuals have been attracted to this festival that this year, a more varied list of participants has indicated their participation. Among the countries where these participants come from include United States, France, Brazil, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Germany, and Malaysia. In Indonesia alone, being the host country, many participants will also come from Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Lampung, and Kalimantan. This year, more than 1,000 participants are expected to arrive, surpassing last year’s record.

This festival will be very helpful as speakers on yoga techniques and meditation will share their knowledge.

“IBMF 2012 shall be the place where people meditate and celebrate in love and togetherness. While meditation builds and strengthens human beings’ inner cores, celebration is the way to share the overwhelming joy. Together, participants are going to re-learn the forgotten language of love, and create a path towards a peaceful world and a united mankind,” said an official statement.

It has been known that Bali is a growing spiritual destination. And according to Bagus Sudibya, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tour and Travel Agencies in Bali, many foreign tourists have been recorded to have requested spiritual tours on the island.

He also said that this shows Bali’s potential for becoming a real and meaningful tourism destination. Bagus acknowledges that spiritual tourism has so much contribution to giving Bali’s tourism development a better and deeper meaning.

This activity will not only make the Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort fully-booked but will also convince people that Bali, the island of the gods, is indeed a romantic and spiritual place to be.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Crystal Cruises' 2013 Wine & Food-themed series

Here is interesting news for those who love wine and food. Dining and drinking has been made more fun and exciting as Crystal Symphony will be sailing for 12 days with a food and wine theme. This is in celebration of the culinary arts of Australasia and Bali. It will happen on January 17 and February 11, 2013.

Passengers will not only get to taste and experience the food and wine, but they will also be able to take part in the complimentary cooking lessons, hands-in recipe instruction, wine tasting as well as cocktail mixology classes.

Among the presenters are Damien Pignolet, a chef of modern Australian/French fusion; Bumbu Bali, a Balinese cookbook author and proprietor of a restaurant and cooking school in Bali; Heinz Von Holzen who owns Sydney’s Pier Restaurant, and others.

“These wines, food and spirits programs offer travellers another level of cultural understanding. They provide them with sensory souvenirs they can share with friends and family forever,” said Crystal Cruises VP of food and beverage operations Toni Neumeister.

For those who are interested, you can buy tickets from $3,520 and $3,890. This is charged per person.

The January cruise will touch Brisbane, Newcastle, and Sydney, Milford, Doubtful, and Dusky Sounds through Dunedin, Christchurch/Lyttelton, Wellington, and Auckland, NZ. Meanwhile, the February cruise will pass through Great Barrier Reef, Brisbane, the Whitsunday Islands/Hamilton, Cairns, Darwin, and Benoa/Bali.

With this, more people will get to know Bali not just for its Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort. All the more will this little island of the gods become a top tourist destination in the world. So, buy your tickets now and have this ultimate experience.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bali tourism gearing up to welcome the 2013 APEC Summit

This coming November 2013, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit will kick off in Indonesia. This is the reason why the tourism stakeholders are preparing for the arrival of guests and participants.

It is expected that the said summit will pose a positive impact on the economic condition of the island. This is a reassurance from Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya, the chairman of the Bali Chapter of Indonesian Tourism Industry Association.

“We are now witnessing the influx of foreign and domestic investment flowing into various sectors — infrastructure and tourist accommodation, in particular,” Wijaya has added.

Having the summit in Bali entails a lot of preparations from the part of the government. Among the steps taken include the improvement on infrastructure on the island, expansion of the airport, the Dewa Ruci underpass, and the toll road that connects Nusa Dua-Benoa and Ngurah Rai International Airport.

More about the APEC

APEC is considered as the primary forum created to facilitate economic growth, cooperation, as well as investment and trade in the said region. Established in 1989, it aims to enhance the growth of the economy, as well as the prosperity of the Asia Pacific region.

“Both before and after the summit, the current infrastructure projects will give additional value to Bali as an international tourist destination,” said Wijaya.

On a more general note, this summit will also feature Bali and its Bali luxury villas, Bali villas resort, and private villas in Bali. And when the guests and participants stay in the said luxury villas in Bali, they will see for themselves the reason why the island continues to be a top tourist destination in the world.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Aussie PM Julia Gillard travel to Bali for the 10th anniversary

Prime Minister Julia Gilliard
Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of Australia, will be visiting Bali in October to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the bombings in Bali.

Both Bali and Canberra will be having services on October 12. Meanwhile, Governor-General Quentin Bryce will be leading the services in the capital of Australia. In Canberra, it will be held in the Great Hall of Parliament House while in Bali, it will be held in Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park

"It was a moment of horror that had a profound effect on Australia as a nation and on the lives of survivors and the family and loved ones of those who died. Time has healed many of the physical wounds caused by the bombings but it can never diminish the sense of wrong we feel at this act of terror. Forgetting would be the ultimate injustice - and we will never forget,” said Gillard.

In an effort to allow the families of the victims of the bombings to attend either service, the Australian government promises to provide the financial assistance that they will need.

Of the 202 that died in the bombings, 88 were Australians.

This is seen as an opportunity for the Prime Minister to see and experience for herself the different Bali luxury villas and Bali villas resort. The luxury villas in Bali are among the reasons why the island is considered a top tourist destination.

About Julia Gillard

Gillard was born in Wales but grew up in Adelaide, South Australia when they moved there in 1966. It was in 1982 when she moved to Melbourne, Victoria and studied at Mitcham Demonstration School and at Unley High School. She graduated Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne and attained her Bachelor of Laws at the same university in 1986.